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The Broadband industry has changed dramatically since deregulation. An information superhighway is under construction to serve the seemingly insatiable appetite for speed and capacity in transmitting and receiving data. Thousands of miles of fiber optic cable have been installed underground to serve this need. The distinction between offering Cable TV services and conventional phone service is indistinct. Phone companies are supplying TV services and CATV companies are providing telephone services.
Often, installations of underground cable and fiber systems are performed in urban and developed areas. Trench-less construction by Infratech is a superior method of installing over conventional open cut methods of construction.

Residential Cable Upgrade and Replacement

Since Fiber to the Home is a reality, the need for cost effective installation in existing subdivisions is increasing. Infratech addresses this need with equipment that is capable of maneuvering around fences, back lot lines, pools and sheds to install underground cable and conduit in all conditions from sand in water tables to medium rock.

Downtown Fiber, Cable and Conduit Placement

The most demanding of trench-less construction takes place in the downtown urban environment. Existing utilities, buried structures of years past, pavement sometimes 18″ thick, traffic, pedestrians, and tight easements combine to make this the most challenging type of utility construction. Infratech has installed miles and miles of underground facilities in this environment.

Network Underground Conduit Expansion and Upgrade

Urban manhole and conduit systems are at full capacity. The implications of rebuilding these systems is mind boggling. Infratech crews have experience in the rejuvenation of systems by placing new conduit between existing manholes without trenching and placing new conduit in broken down existing conduit.

Water and Sewer
Water and Sewer
Gas Utility
Gas Utility
Environmental Remediation
Environmental Remediation